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Anchor windlasses are equipment designed to facilitate the raising and lowering of the anchor on boats. They offer greater comfort and safety, with manual or electric options adapted to different boat sizes and types of anchoring.
Lofrans windlasses are synonymous with quality and reliability in the nautical industry. Designed to offer exceptional performance and long life, these windlasses are ideal for any type of boat. With a robust construction and advanced technology, Lofrans windlasses ensure safe and efficient anchoring, facilitating maneuvers on board. Find the perfect windlass for your boat and sail with confidence and peace of mind.
Quick anchor windlasses stand out for their innovation, compact design and high performance, adapting to boats of various sizes. They are available in horizontal and vertical models, made of corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel and anodized aluminum. They offer efficient and safe operation, with remote control options and automatic braking systems. Quick windlasses are ideal for those looking for reliability and durability in anchor handling.
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